Culligan Commerical Water   (877) 447-2515
National Expert Specializing in Commercial & Industrial Water Treatment
Camille Beckman, Eagle, Idaho
Description of Business:
Manufacturer of high-end body care and bath
products, creams, and lotions.
To develop a system to provide customer high-quality water to keep up the high standard of products their customers expect
Culligan® Ultrapure System
Getting a high-purity system in place was a preventive measure to keep their products at the level of quality that their customers have come to expect.

There are two possible sources of water for the Camille Beckman facility: city water and an Artesian well that’s on their property. The city water is extremely hard, so they use the well water, which is 4 grains of hardness. The products that Camille Beckman manufactures soften and moisturize the skin, so even 4 grains of hardness is too hard for these types of products. If the water is substandard, not only might the products be less effective, but the impurities in the water might have a negative interaction with other ingredients in the products.

They met with a number of companies and consultants to explore the possibilities around water treatment. They wanted to ensure that they were getting the right system – one that would be tailored to their needs and not an “off-the-shelf” solution.

When they contacted Culligan, they were impressed by the knowledge and consultative style of the representative. Mr. Roghani and Paul Beckman, another Camille Beckman principal, collaborated with Culligan to develop a system that would supply them with the quality of water they needed.


Culligan Ultrapure system

Equipment installed

Hi-Flo 2 Carbon Filters, 3 Commercial Series A-4 Reverse Osmosis Units, Culligan Depth Filter, UV, Hi-Flo 55 Softeners, Mixed-bed Portable Exchange Deionizer

The Results/Customer Benefits

This company was started by Camille Beckman in 1986. With all of their experience, they knew upon moving into their new facility that they would need water treatment. Getting a high-purity system in place was a preventive measure to keep their products at the level of quality that their customers have come to expect.

Culligan® Advantages

•The Culligan® representative was knowledgeable about the complicated requirements of a high-purity water treatment system and was pleasant to work with. 

•Culligan® has state-of-the art technology and an extensive range of products. 

•Culligan® has been cooperative and responsive throughout the entire process, from planning through after-sale service.

Products/Services Featured In This Case Study

Commercial Water Deionizers

Commercial Water Deionization

Commercial & Industrial RO & Water Filters

Commercial Water Softening & Boiler Treatment

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